How to apply

Apply by using this form

If you require assistance with this form please see the designated school contact.

 Who decides?

The Charity is managed by eight Trustees who are appointed by the Governors of the school. They normally meet termly with an extra meeting early in the school year to consider applications from students about to embark on courses at university or college. Applicants are informed of the outcome of their application in writing shortly after the meeting.

How can I apply? 

Contact the clerk to the Trustees (see the end of this article) for an application form. This will include a request for details of your family’s financial circumstances and the costs associated with your course. Completed forms should be returned to the Clerk either by post or email.

Deadlines for receipt of individual students’ completed grant applications which

should be sent directly to the Clerk to the Trustees:

If I'm successful, how is the grant paid?

Grants are usually paid by cheque in termly instalments once evidence of attendance on the course is received from the university or college concerned. Details are provided in the award letter.

Where does the charity get its money from?

 Mostly from the investment of bequests left in wills such as those of John Milward and Mary Tasker, both of whom had great interest in the education of children in Haverfordwest. This is where the Charity gets its name.  Some of these bequests date back to the 17th century. There is also some income from land and property which the Charity owns. 

What else does the charity do?

It fights for the good of the school and its students and led the successful battle to retain the sixth form in the school.

To apply contact

or write to the Clerk to Trustees at 11 Albert Street, Haverfordwest, SA61 1TA




[Speaker 1 name]

Who is the speaker? This is where you can write a bio to outline your speaker's credentials and the unique perspectives they will bring to the conference.



[Speaker 2 name]

Who is the speaker? This is where you can write a bio to outline your speaker's credentials and the unique perspectives they will bring to the conference.



[Speaker 3 name]

Who is the speaker? This is where you can write a bio to outline your speaker's credentials and the unique perspectives they will bring to the conference.



[Speaker 4 name]

Who is the speaker? This is where you can write a bio to outline your speaker's credentials and the unique perspectives they will bring to the conference.



[Speaker 5 name]

Who is the speaker? This is where you can write a bio to outline your speaker's credentials and the unique perspectives they will bring to the conference.



[Speaker 6 name]

Who is the speaker? This is where you can write a bio to outline your speaker's credentials and the unique perspectives they will bring to the conference.



[Speaker 7 name]

Who is the speaker? This is where you can write a bio to outline your speaker's credentials and the unique perspectives they will bring to the conference.



[Speaker 8 name]

Who is the speaker? This is where you can write a bio to outline your speaker's credentials and the unique perspectives they will bring to the conference.